My Messages

You have no active messages. To start messaging just navigate to any user's page and press "message".
{{ conversation.screenName }} {{ conversation.lastMessage != null ? conversation.lastMessage.realtime : "no messages yet" }} {{ conversation.unread }}
{{ conversation.lastMessage.type == 7 ? 'SHARED MEDIA' : (conversation.lastMessage != null ? (conversation.lastMessage.text + (conversation.lastMessage.type == 2 || conversation.lastMessage.type == 4 ? (" TOKEN" + (conversation.lastMessage.text == "1" ? "" : "S")) : "")) : "Click here to start messaging") }} {{ ? 'ONLINE' : 'OFFLINE' }}
No messages yet. You can start conversation by typing new message at the bottom part of this bar.
{{ }}
{{ message.type != 7 ? message.text : '' }} TOKEN{{ message.text == "1" ? "": "S"}}
{{ message.type == 12 ? "Cancelled" : message.type == 14 ? "Declined" : "Accepted" }}
{{ }}
Not allowed to send messages
{{ ? 'ONLINE': 'OFFLINE' }} typing...
Tip project:

My Friends

You don't have any friends. You can add more friends by navigating to any user's page and adding to your friends list.
{{ friend.username }}
{{ ? 'ONLINE' : 'OFFLINE' }} {{ friend.enablePublicChat ? 'LIVE' : '' }}
Your live chats
You have no active live chats. To start new private chat go to any user's personal page and press "private chat".